Conformance to the Bondhus specification means that
qualified technicians perform constant inspection,
testing, evaluation, and adjustments to insure that
the ‘no compromises’ policy is always adhered to.
Bondhus does over 60 separate tests to guarantee
that every tool manufactured is 100% within spec and
worthy of carrying the Bondhus name.
All tools are inspected by the machine operator and
the operator at the next step in production. Bondhus
is serious about all tools being within
specification – no compromises, no seconds, no
Sixteen of these tests will be outlined below. |
Hardness testing
Hardness is the property of
a material that enables it to resist what is
known as plastic deformation, another way of
saying how difficult it is to permanently dent
it. The operation is performed with a Rockwell
Hardness Tester that accurately measures and
reports the hardness value.
To do this test, an indenter is forced into the
surface of the steel with a pressure referred to
as the minor load. Next, a stronger force, known
as the major load, is applied and then released.
The difference between the indentation made by
the minor and major loads is measured and used
to establish the Rockwell hardness. This is an
over-simplified explanation, but is enough to
understand the principle of the test.
Bondhus strives for a consistent hardness
throughout, not just on the surface. Cross
sections are prepared from every lot of steel
and periodically during heat treating and then
tested using a micro hardness tester at
intervals of one thousandth of an inch. Too much
hardness causes brittleness; not enough causes
premature wear. Hardness is tested on every lot
of steel, and done both prior and subsequent to
heat treating.
The Rockwell hardness test is used so frequently and so
commonly that standardized charts exist for converting
between Rockwell and Brinell values and quickly checking
tensile strength based upon a given hardness value. Many
shops actually even post these charts on a wall for easy
The hardness value of Protanium® Steel is considerably
higher than most of Bondhus’s competitors. The
competitors that have hardness values approaching those
of Bondhus, sacrifice ductility as a tradeoff. The
characteristic that makes Protanium® Steel truly unique
is that it achieves a high degree of hardness, without
compromising ductility. |
Ductility testing
Ductility is important to monitor, since as the hardness
of steel increases, so does brittleness and the potential
for shattering. Every batch of steel is tested
by applying torque in a standard break test.
The Bondhus standard assures in excess of 99% of
all breaks will actually break clean and
straight. Even the best competitors cannot hit
90%, and many are below 50%. Bondhus understands
that a tool that shatters is a safety hazard to
both the operator and equipment in the vicinity.
Torsional tensile strength
At a given point, steel that is twisted far enough will tear. The
torsional tensile strength for every batch of
steel is tested and recorded, and an ongoing
effort is made to improve strength and reduce or
eliminate shattering. The heat treating process
is adjusted for every batch of steel to obtain
maximum hardness while retaining maximum
Bondhus tests every batch as follows:
Torque to failure a minimum of 10 pieces per
0 under minimum torque – accept load
1 under minimum – reject load
Jominy end-quench testing
The hardenability of steel (for Bondhus’s purpose) is its
ability to transform partially or completely from Austinite
to the desired combination of Martensite at a given depth
below the surface.
The Jominy test quenches a bar of steel in a spray of
water. The bar is then ground flat, to a precise depth,
along its length to remove decarburized material. Then
hardness is measured along its length in regular
intervals using a Rockwell hardness tester.
The data is gathered from the test in pairs of values
consisting of a Rockwell hardness value and its
associated distance from the quenched end of the bar.
These values are then used to calculate the ideal quench
cycle and medium to be used in attaining the required
hardness for Protanium® Steel.
Dimensional checks
Each and every individual product manufactured by Bondhus
is subject to its own set of specifications. Bondhus is
meticulous about quality control – no deviation from the
spec, no seconds, no exceptions. Period.
The following is an example of a partial specification
for a ball end L-wrench.
All parts examined and measured to
guarantee conformance to the specification.

Surface testing Hex stock received
from a mill is not always smooth and free of pits, burrs, and other
imperfections. The quality standard for Protanium® Steel
does not allow for imperfections of this nature. The
process of monitoring and inspecting, and an insistence
on 100% compliance from mills that supply steel,
guarantee compliance with the standard. See Picture 1.
Edge sharpness
Sharp edges are critical to the tool fitting properly in
the fastener. Rounded corners cause slippage and premature
failure of both the tool and the fastener.
Bondhus tools have the sharpest edges in the business.
See Picture 2.
Grain size
The strength and hardness of steel is
partially determined by this measure. Monitoring grain
size before and after heat treating assures the smallest
grain size possible, which is an important aspect of
Protanium® Steel.
Brittle fracturing
Poor heat treating, heat treating
that is incompatible with the steel, or impurities in
the steel can cause fracturing. Aside from breaking a
tool at less than optimum torque, the real possibility
of shattering causes a serious safety hazard. See
Picture 3.
Bondhus controls the heat treating process by
customizing it to each individual tool size and the
unique characteristics of every batch of steel.
A crack on the surface can not only
compromise strength, but also contribute to oxidation
and brittle fracturing (shattering). See Picture 1.
The loss of carbon from the surface that
results when the surface oxidizes to form CO and CO2
which escapes to the atmosphere. See Picture 2.
Seams The line formed when steel is pulled through a
die, separated, and then rejoined at the exit point of
the die is referred to as a seam. See Picture 3. Seams
can cause brittle fracturing.
Surface discontinuities
See Picture 4. This type of
defect contributes to brittle fracturing.
Undissolved carbides
See Picture 5. This type of
defect contributes to brittle fracturing.
Inclusions Oxide inclusions in steel are present
both naturally and as a result of the reaction between
the liquid steel and alloying elements that are added.
It is important to eliminate these inclusions, so the
addition of manganese and silicon is often used as a
Bondhus closely controls every aspect of the
production of Protanium® Steel. While defects like those
above plague other manufacturers, close monitoring
prevents them from compromising the quality Bondhus
Inspection of steel
The quality control process requires close
examination of steel specimens under a microscope. To do
this, requires preparation.
Slugs of steel are cut to length, and encased in epoxy
with the aid of a mounting press. Once the melted epoxy
has cooled and hardened, the samples are ground and
polished with progressively finer grits until they have
a mirror like finish, and finally they are etched to
bring out the grain and structure in the steel.
Once steel specimens have been mounted, they are ready
to be tested for hardness.
Microhardness testing is a means of accurately measuring
hardness on a microscopic level. A highly precise
diamond indenter, with a load of 15 to 1000 gf, is used
to make a tiny diamond shaped pyramid impression in the
The impressions made in the specimens are next measured
microscopically for length and depth. These values are
used to calculate hardness values and can also be
converted to tensile strength, Rockwell hardness, and
other hardness scales.
The values obtained from the microhardness testing are
used to assure compliance with the Protanium® Steel
specification or can also be used to diagnose problems.
Bondhus controls the heat treating process by customizing it to
each individual tool size and the unique characteristics
of every batch of steel.